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PSP Price Cut Soon?

8/11/2006, 11:12pm Eastern Time

Chris Morris, author of the weekly CNN Money column, Game Over, said that a PlayStation Portable price cut could be "imminent."

P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research, who was a source used in the column, said that there will be a price cut in the second half of this year and said that the price of PSP could fall up to US$50 to US$149.

Morris expects that due to the high demand for DS and DS Lite worldwide, Nintendo will not lower the price of their handheld system just to create higher sales numbers.

If and when Sony announces a PSP price cut, it would mark the first actual price slash for the handheld console. Earlier in the year Sony began selling a US$200 PSP box without many of the accessories that came in the US$249 box.

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